All about the curls Two weeks ago I met up with a friend at Union Station for a quick catch-up before she caught a bus to Philly. As we grabbed our coffee and headed outside to sit and talk, we were stopped by a random stranger complimenting my hair. It went something like this: “I’m […]
At last! A wedding post! I’m trying so hard to focus on work and not wedding plan during work hours. My work load is quite heavy for the next couple of weeks, and I want to work well now, so that when my workload lightens a bit, I can take the extra time to focus on the wedding. […]
Introduction & Announcement I’ve started this post dozens of times in my head over the last two weeks, and have wondered for years what I would say when the time came to say it. So many emotions swirling, my head is spinning, and I can’t seem to make words flow the way I want them […]
Singlesness Last week I got a Facebook message from an old friend who is recently engaged and planning her wedding. She emailed several of us single women because, as the thoughtful, intentional woman that she is, she wants to care well for the younger, single women who will be attending her bridal shower— to give […]
For all the times you read “Cinderella” to me at night, even though I knew every single word by heart and could quote it to you when you tried to change what it said. For that very first sip of cappuccino when I was eight years old (the beginning of a lifelong love of coffee, […]
Three years ago I bought a Holga and four rolls of film, two b&w, two color. Two years ago I started on my first roll. I finished the last roll last month, and sent it off to a lab. I had absolutely no idea what I would see when I got them back, because I […]