Just over six months ago, my alarm went off at 4am, and I opened my eyes to the best day of my life. Giddy excitement mixed with peaceful contentment— it was our wedding day, and I couldn’t wait to marry my love. Since Buck and I just celebrated six months of marriage, and because today is Valentine’s Day, […]
Multicultural Wedding at The Corcoran Sam & Jaime. I loved this wedding. I met and became friends with both of them before they met each other, and it has been such a joy to document so many parts of their story— hiding behind a tree in a snowstorm to document Sam’s proposal, photographing and dancing with […]
At last! A wedding post! I’m trying so hard to focus on work and not wedding plan during work hours. My work load is quite heavy for the next couple of weeks, and I want to work well now, so that when my workload lightens a bit, I can take the extra time to focus on the wedding. […]
Introduction & Announcement I’ve started this post dozens of times in my head over the last two weeks, and have wondered for years what I would say when the time came to say it. So many emotions swirling, my head is spinning, and I can’t seem to make words flow the way I want them […]
Singlesness Last week I got a Facebook message from an old friend who is recently engaged and planning her wedding. She emailed several of us single women because, as the thoughtful, intentional woman that she is, she wants to care well for the younger, single women who will be attending her bridal shower— to give […]