





intentional legacy

journal topics


journal topics


holla, holga!

Three years ago I bought a Holga and four rolls of film, two b&w, two color. Two years ago I started on my first roll. I finished the last roll last month, and sent it off to a lab. I had absolutely no idea what I would see when I got them back, because I spent two years taking 50ish pictures.  I got the digital scans yesterday, and still cannot contain how delighted I am with the result.

Summary: I need more film in my life.

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  1. Rebekah Hoyt says:

    Amazing!!! I agree – you need more film in your life! These are all so beautiful, Sarah. I had a similar experience – I had a roll of film that was three years old that I had developed… sad for me my camera broke halfway through the roll (which is why it took me 3 years to get it developed) and the entire roll was shot. Oh well! Glad to hear your 2-year anticipation was much more worth it than mine was 🙂

  2. so fun! I love my holga too and am trying to make it a regular part of my shooting… but so far it’s about 1 year 3-4 rolls at most

  3. benj says:

    holga-tastic! awesome stuff! worth the 3 year wait i’d say!

  4. hilary says:

    love this. ♥

  5. Abby Grace says:

    YAY! Film film film!!! You definitely need more of it in your life!

  6. John Danaher says:

    I’m impressed with not just the film but with the selection of subjects. My favorite has to be the VW bug. The Capitol building framed by the trees with the man in the foreground is also impressive. The lighting seemed perfect. Well done, Sarah. I wish I could be as good as you.

  7. Jessica says:

    what a fun post! This reminds me of the power of film: how it captures both random and special moments in our lives and how much pictures make us remember and cherish life in a unique way.

  8. That’s so much fun! Thanks for sharing your film adventure with us!

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about sarah

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With nearly 20 years of experience behind the lens and a portfolio that spans four continents, Sarah brings a refined, story-driven approach to the events of a wedding. Her work has published in Brides, Martha Stewart Weddings, Southern Living, as well as print & digital outlets around the globe.

Sarah Bradshaw is an internationally recognized wedding & event photographer. Combining a background in international photojournalism, a love for classical art, and a genuine interest in people, Sarah creates images that are at once iconic and intimate, effortless and intentional, in the moment and intended for a lifetime.