Three years ago this minute we skipped down the aisle of our Church, bursting with happiness at being pronounced “Man & Wife.” It was the best moment of our lives, on the best day of our lives, at the start of the best years of our lives.
Thank you for choosing me, Buckley. Thank you for giving me the best life— better than I ever could have dreamed. It is my greatest honor and privilege to be called your wife, to belong to you as you belong to me, and to look forward to a full lifetime of loving you more.
Happy anniversary, my darling.
To read more about our wedding, visit this blog post.
Favorite memories…
Our first look— the other happiest moment of our lives.
When I kissed you so much I smudged up your glasses. Doubled-over laughing at your catwalk.
Our amazing bridal party photos in front of the Capitol.
My sweet sisters.
Skipping down the aisle after being pronounced man and wife.
Quiet moments by ourselves at the National Cathedral
When you got down on one knee and asked me to marry you all over again.
When we realized that my train had been bustled all day long.
Walking hand-in-hand with you everywhere that we go.
I love you forever, my darling.
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